2010年1月1日 星期五

Introduction to Sociology...2

今天我們來談談social structure!
social structure就是一個社會的結構。結構裡有不同的等級,這些等級就叫class。
首先係functionalist,為佢地來講,你一出世就係born into a social class,因為你既父母既社會地位,或多或少就缺定左你既社會地位。
呢一種諗法聽落好合理,但其實係社會化過程既一部分,係socialization過程裡,我地internalize and legitimize 呢一種想法。

然後就係Marxian了。Marx對class的研究很深入。Marx將class主要分為bourgeois class 資產階級 同埋 working class。
點樣去分呢兩個class呢?就係bourgeois class擁有means of production生產的方法,例如機器、勞動力、資本。
bourgeois class靠 exploitation剝削 去獲取大量的利潤,令到兩個階層之間的貧富差距越來越大。
alienation包括四種:from product (workers produce the product but they don't have the money to buy it..think of the waiter who serves in high class restaurant,
they sell you the expensive food, but their salary can't afford them)
第二種, from the process of production itself (workers don't need to be involved in the process of production, they're just machines...think of the staff in japanese restaurant...
每次打招呼都係232孖4...XDD not sincere at all)
第三種, from human potential, (because labour has become a simple and mechanical task, you can't realized your potential in the job)
第四種, from fellow workers (everyone has to work independently, and at the same time, isolatedly. you don't have chance to communicate with others)

社會分層social stratification,有好多個dimension,可以從經濟,亦可以從其他條件來分類,例如教育程度、品味..
他認為每一個人都有一個social status,這個status是可以靠後天改變的,例如你讀多d書、學多樣樂器,可以提升你的social status。
換言之,social status depends on some virtues that you acquire throughout your social life. it's about honour, i.e. how other people view you
class係先天定的, ascribed; status係後天達到的,achieved。
做social stratification的分析時,兩個都要睇,不然會忽略了一些重要的事情。
當然,class can affect status, for example, a more wealthy family can of course afford more cultural activities, which can improve status, for its children~
weber 跟marx最大的分別是,他加入了個人的元素。class is not only determined objectively by your amount of wealth, but is also determined SUBJECTIVELY by how others look at you, how others develop a relation to you, and how you view yourself in society!

