今天來說說work & labour。
為functionalist的學者來說,特別是始創人durkheim,整個社會就是一個大的division of labour。
跟傳統社會最大的分別就是,傳統社會是建基於mechanical solidarity,
現代社會則相反,social bond is built upon differences. In modern society, we have organic solidarity.
We are tied to each other because we cannot take care of all aspects of our life.
inter-dependence is very important for modern life.
為marxian學者來說,work & labour就是capitalist exploit worker的方法。
在work & labour裡,worker要面對alienation的過程。那四種alienation,上次好似說過了啊~
alienation其中一個原因是,在現代社會有大量的mechanization, and specialization in production.
people do what they want to do at work, and do what they have to do at leisure.
people do what they HAVE to do at work (which means they do not enjoy it), and do what they want to do at leisure (just relax, relax, shopping, shopping)...
承接著division of labour這概念,我們在社會裡也看到一個division of labour between home and work.
一般來說,我們自小接受到的socialization都告訴我們,men are responsible for work, and women are responsible for home.
But why is this???
Also, there're certain kinds of division of labour among occupations.
e.g. Women for secretary, teachers; men for construction workers, cook, etc.
啊,先回頭說說gender and sex的difference
sex is inborn, you're born to be a boy/girl
BUT FOR GENDER, it has to be made and re-made constantly...and there're many kinds of gender
e.g. 女人形、男人婆、淑女、紳士、君子、波牛、姣婆....all these images related to sexual difference can be seen as a gender..
symbolic interactionism學派認為,所有gender roles are culturally produced
e.g. Women usually take care of the home, the housework, NOT because of 女人就係做呢d野架啦,生出黎要持家有道,etc...
NONONO!!! they're culturally produced views about women...
the consequences are that men's interests are preserved.
Women sometimes have two works (housework + occupation), while men often have one only
Moreover, within the home, men are usually in charge of the money.
Women have to do the housework, but they do not really have much power at home.
Of course, in recent years, we see more and more women working,
but for some Marxian workers, this may only reflect a deeper degree of exploitation.
If the nature of work does not change, and if women are ill-treated, then we cannot call this is a kind of liberation of the women from home!!
Studies have shown that for work of similar nature, women are paid very less than men!!
So we see there're inequality of gender in the workplace and at home...